Monday, June 28, 2010

March for Babies!

Thank you everyone who came out to help support March for Babies!! I loved having you all there to honor Connor and to walk for a great cause!! I wish that I could upload pictures but they all came out blurry. I don't know what happened!

We had a very nice weekend! Saturday night we had a surprise birthday party for my Aunt who turns 50. Sunday was the March for Babies and then we headed to my Uncle and Aunt's house for a little pool and cook-out to celebrate my cousin Lauren's birthday! Lots of birthdays to celebrate!!!!

I know once again it has been a long time that I have written on the blog. Everything is going well. Just trucking along. I will be 22 weeks on Friday and I have my bi-weekly appointment tomorrow. I'm excited that we will get to see the little pumpkin tomorrow. We finally decided on a name for our little girl, Mollie Elizabeth Osetkowski!!!!

Looking forward to this week being over already. It has been very hot and muggy. Also I love 4th of July and we have family coming into visit!!!! Then I'm on vacation for a week!! It will be spent getting the Mollie's room together. Lots of work ahead of us!!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!!!



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Meal Plan #3

I'm going to be honest with you all with my meal plan last week! I didn't do the best job sticking with my menu,  it was a busy one ...

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