Sunday, January 23, 2011

Lazy day!!

Our week was a bit crazy! Mollie went to the doctors on Tuesday for a cough but it isn't anything serious and hopefully it will work its way out! I'm just a paranoid mother I think!!! But she weighed in at 12 pounds and 4 ounces. I still can't believe that she once weighed 5 pounds 2 ounces. She is doing so well and I love everyday with something new that she does!!! She is loving her hands right now and found her tongue!!

I'm off till Tuesday and going to enjoy every moment of it! Sunday which is already today will be spent visiting Mekay, my grandmother, and grocery shopping! Monday is suppose to be very cold so I would rather get the shopping down today!

Ok Mollie has fallen back to sleep, so I need to go put her down and I'm going back to bed!!

Here are some pictures to leave with you from the week!
Love, Erika

Saturday, January 15, 2011

3 Months!!

The Weekly Recap!!

So this week was pretty quite compared to the ones in the past couple of months!! I love the holiday season, but I sure love when it is all over and life can get back to a normal routine. Whatever a normal routine is for a 3 month old!!!

Monday was spent relaxing with Mollie and Brett. We both had the day off! We watched the move "The Town". I don't know why I watched it because it had to do with Bank Robberies! But it was a very good movie! You all should watch it but don't watch it in front of kids! We also tried out our new jogging stroller and ventured out into the cold with Mollie. It is so nice and smooth. I think that Mollie liked it too!!!

Tuesday was back to work for me. Mollie went to her babysitters for a little while and then was home with her daddy! The weather guy forecasted snow for Wednesday! Woohoo maybe we would have a snow day!!

Wednesday we woke up and it was a snow day for me!! It was kind of a bust of a snow storm but I'm not complaining. I enjoyed the day at my moms watching movies and just hanging out. Brett had to work till 4. I was a betty homemaker and had a pot roast in the crockpot that smelled so good!!!

Thursday was once back to work for me. I could get use to working a day and then having a day off. After work we went and visited my grandmother Mekay. She is a silly lady.

Friday was a long day for everyone. Mollie was with her Nonni all day. We went out to Longhorns for dinner and it was so good! We haven't been in a long time and my brother had given us a gift card. I probably gained my weight back but it was worth it. I don't know if you know but Longhorns is our favorite place and we use to go all the time in Georgia!!!

This might be boring for some, but I think that I'm going to like having these recaps to look back on!



South Beach Update!!!

I'm almost through the first week of the South Beach Diet and I have already lost 5 pounds!!!! Everyone is right that the 3 or 4th day is the toughest, but I got through it. Looking forward to more weight coming off!!

Looking forward to this long weekend!! I have to work today till 1230 and then I'm off until Tuesday!! Working on editing my photos to get them up on here!!! I'm starting to slack!!

Mollie is sleeping and I'm trying to edit them. Brett's alarm will be going off in about 15 minutes. Then it will be time to get ready for work!!!! What happen to the days were I could get up a hour before work and be all set to go, now it seems like we have to get up like 3 hours before work to get everyone out of the door! I need to work on that more and get more organized for the mornings!!!

Have a great weekend!



Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy Monday!!

Usually Mondays are very gloomy because the weekend is over and its back to work and its back to leaving Mollie for the day! Not today though!! I have today off and I have enjoyed my long weekend!!!

We had a very nice weekend and it's not over yet!! So far Brett is off today and I'm hoping that we can finish getting some stuff down around the house and then go for a walk! I started South Beach today and I'm hoping that it will go well!!!

I'm really trying to work on my resolutions this year and I have already been slacking on the blogging resolution!! So I'm back and hoping that I never go for a long time in between entries. As I look back at the last two years I would go almost months between writings!!!

Mollie turned 3 months yesterday!! I can't believe how time flies!!!! I'm going to go upload pictures from the weekend and will post them soon!!!

Have a great day!



Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!! Trying to start the year off with my new years resolutions and hoping that I can complete them!!

We had a fun weekend!!!! Started off with New Years Eve having dinner out with friends and then in bed by 10 pm....We were exhausted!! Saturday was spent helping my sister move into her first apartment!! It is a very cute one and can't wait to be invited over for dinner!!!! We also had to run a million errands to get ready for Miss Mollie's baptism on Sunday!!! I was a baking machine!!

Sunday was Mollie's Baptism. It was very nice day. We had a nice brunch filled with ham, quiches, scones, blueberry muffins, salad, fruit salad, cake and cookies. I was so full from all the food!!! We are so blessed to have everyone to celebrate with us!!! By the end of Sunday I was exhausted once again and it was bed at 9! I'm so excited that Mollie slept from 9pm - 3am and went back to bed till 7 and now is up for the day!! Its nice to be able to get six hours!! Woohoo!!

Now it is back to reality!! I'm looking forward to getting back to a routine!!!

Have a great day!



Meal Plan #3

I'm going to be honest with you all with my meal plan last week! I didn't do the best job sticking with my menu,  it was a busy one ...

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