Sunday, September 14, 2014

Mollie's First Soccer Practice!

On Saturday morning Mollie had her first day of Soccer Practice! She was ready to go with her outfit picked out the night before and was ready to go first thing in the morning, but unfortunately soccer wasn't until 10 am. So she had to wait a bit! I had to work in the morning so Brett went with her along with my parents! Luckily it is just right around the block from where we live!! Mollie love it, but didn't want to wear the shirt that they gave to the kids, maybe next week!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

To the Zoo We Go!!

This morning we went to the Zoo! We had so much fun. We fed a deer and had a blast walking around looking at all of the animals!! The last time we were at this zoo Harper was only 7 months old. It's crazy how time flies and how much the girls have changed in two years!! The rest of the day as spent taking naps, grocery shopping, riding bikes and a movie night! Love days like this!! One more day left for the weekend.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Labor Day Weekend!

Is it really already September? I still have a hard time as I get older really seeing how time flies. I feel like it was just May and now we are in September. I do have to say that this is my favorite time of year. I just love September through December. My goal for the week is to get decorated for Fall, even though it is going to super hot this week it is September and that means fall is coming in case anybody out there didn't know that.

We had a great long weekend. Friday night was spent at the local country club with my family. My Aunt belongs to it and she had about 16 people here with her that are visiting from Georgia. Saturday morning I did have to work, but later that night we had our annual Labor Day Party at my parents house! It was so yummy and fun! Lots of great food. I was in charge of making a dessert and I made little strawberry shortcakes. There was so many different desserts that I wish I could of tried one of each!! Sunday was suppose to be a beach day but we never made it there and it ended up being very cloudy. Monday wasn't suppose to be a beach day either but it turned out to be a perfect day! So, after naps we headed to the beach and enjoyed a few hours there.

Now it's Tuesday and it is back to work and back to routine, which I love!! I hope everyone had a fun Labor Day Weekend!! Here are some pictures from the weekend!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Happy Hump Day!

Happy Hump Day!!! Today is a busy day. The girls have school and I'm off to a meeting for work.

Yesterday was a fun day to have off. We were suppose to go the beach yesterday morning but I wasn't feeling up to it!!! It can be a hassle sometimes to pack everything up that you need for the beach and carry it all the way down to the beach too!! So instead we had a good morning of relaxing, playing with play doh, riding bikes and pushing babies around the block! The girls did great. We had a great lunch of leftovers and Harper went down for a nap. I was going to try to keep Mollie up and not have her take a nap but it didn't really work out that way. She was exhausted because she didn't sleep well last night. We really need to cut back on her naps, but we will do it slowly for her and hopefully this will help her sleep through the night and not come into our bed!!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Summer Nights!

Summer nights are slowly coming to an end. This makes me sad but also makes me happy to know that Fall is coming and I do have to say that Fall is my favorite season! I love that we live somewhere were we can have seasons!!!

Sunday was date night with Brett and the girls.....Date nights just Brett and I are very far and few! But we had a great time at Turk's and enjoyed an yummy dinner! The girls were great and once we got home they enjoyed some ice cream while we took a walk and then Mollie wanted to ride her back around the block.

Last night the girls and I packed up our dinner and brought it down to the beach along with my mom and brother. It was a beautiful night. We threw rocks, Mollie and Nonni (my mom) swam up the river and then we all went swimming! Harper is very hesitant when it comes to the water and swimming....she thinks the salt water is very yucky. She cracks me up everyday as she is growing and talking more and more. Mollie on the other hand loves swimming!! She could swim all day and all night if you let her.

Here are some pictures from the past couple of days! Why is it that I can never get both girls to look at me when I'm taking a picture?

I'm off today and hopefully will get a few things done this morning and then head to the beach with the girls while Brett is working. Have a great day!


Saturday, August 23, 2014

Here I go again!

It's my second entry in two days!!! Maybe I can just keep going with keeping up with my blog! Not much has happened since yesterday. . We went to the playground after naps, had a nice dinner, and then I decided that the dog need a bath. So both the girls and I tackled washing the dog....after that both the girls need a bath too! Then it was movie night! I unfortunately woke up with a really bad headache this morning....nothing a little Advil, cinnamon buns, and a morning at the beach won't fix! Now as I'm typing this the girls are playing with playdoh and I need to go finish getting ready. We are off to Uncle John's birthday party!

Have a fabulous night!!

Here are a few pictures from yesterday below!


Friday, August 22, 2014

Anyone Out There?????

Oh my goodness it has been a long time since I have written on the blog! I think it was March 2013 was the last time I posted and I posted about going Private, which that never happened! We are still here! I turned 32 last month and with that came a list of goals that I created for this upcoming year. I made a list of 32 goals and one of them was to blog again. I miss just writing away and having this place to go back to and look through to see what we did! I use Instagram to post pictures and document our special moments through out our days! So I'm going to try to complete my goal of blogging and hoping that it ism't just this one time that I do it! That wouldn't be good! 

So now what? We have had a really good summer! Love where we live and that we get to enjoy the beach whenever we want to! You don't appreciate it when growing up but now that I have kids I definitely appreciate it more! Mollie and Harper are getting so big! Mollie turns 4 in October and Harper is 2.5 years old. 

I will post pictures of the past couple of months later on once I get them uploaded! So for now I'm going to go and update my blog look!! I think that it needs a new background!


Meal Plan #3

I'm going to be honest with you all with my meal plan last week! I didn't do the best job sticking with my menu,  it was a busy one ...

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