Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Our New Normal

I can't believe that we are half way through our fourth week with being home due to COVID 19 and we are trying to find our new normal. It is definetly a juggling act that isn't easy.  Brett and I are still working. I try to work from home when I'm with the kids and then go into the office a few days when Brett is home. Having to work from home and do school work with the kids hasn't been easy, but we are making it work! Luckily the weather has been nice the last few days and we were able to get out and enjoy the sunshine. We live less than a mile away from the beach, so we have been taking lots of walk to collect shells and rocks to paint! We have been doing a lot of baking, enjoying naps, and just being with each other!

I know this is a scary and stressful time for everyone, but hoping that all this family time will be something very special to look back on! Harper is doing a journal for our local Historical  Museum to document what she has done during this time away from school.

We have some fun things to celebrate coming up. Brett's birthday is next Wednesday along with Connor's Birthday and then Easter. Easter will definitely be different this year. No get togethers! Luckily the Bunny will still come to visit!

I hope that everyone is doing well during this time! Time to make the girls their to do list for the day and get ready for work! Have a great day!


Meal Plan #3

I'm going to be honest with you all with my meal plan last week! I didn't do the best job sticking with my menu,  it was a busy one ...

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