Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I have been really bad with keeping up with my blog!! It has been awhile since the last time I wrote, so I hope that this isn't too long.

I hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend. Ours was very relaxing. I had Friday off and spent the day doing errands and getting my haircut, which was getting too long for me!! Friday night we went into Virginia Highlands and had dinner with family! It was very yummy! Saturday was spent at the pool until Brett was ready to come home. We then packed up and went to Chateau Elan to see the local fireworks. Sunday was a relaxing day. We didn't do anything!!!!

I'm looking forward to the next two months. We are going to Destin Florida at the beginning of August and then we are headed to Mattapoisett for a week with my family! I'm so excited.

So I have a doctors appointment next week with our perinatal doctor to go over my lab results that I got back a week ago. The results showed that I have a MTHFR mutation (I will learn more about this next week, but I think it has to do with blood thinning), which this could have been a cause of what had happen with Connor. It is so frustrating that we couldn't have figured this out before, but with no history it wasn't something that the doctors would have looked for! We can't go back, but we can go forward and hopefully we will get some answers next week to what future pregnancies will be. I'll keep you updated!

On another note, I need to lose weight. I have lost half of what I gained with Connor but still have a lot more to go, so I got an early birthday present on Monday and it was a Wii Fit. I absolutely love it! I finally found something that I enjoy and I break a sweat. I guess we will see how it goes.

I think I have rambled a little to much, time to go relax with the hubby.

Baby Connor - I love you and miss you every moment of the day. Wish you were here with us!! xoxo

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Meal Plan #3

I'm going to be honest with you all with my meal plan last week! I didn't do the best job sticking with my menu,  it was a busy one ...

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