Monday, March 28, 2022

Weekend Review!

 Good morning! Happy Monday. It is going to be another busy week ahead. This past weekend was a busy one for sure! It started on Friday when the kiddos had a half day. I got them from school and we headed home for lunch. I ended up getting a huge migraine so we didn't do much in the afternoon. Brett came home and we had dinner. I made butter chicken with rice! While I was cooking the kiddos went outside to play on the trampoline for a bit. After dinner we went to Target. Crazy Friday night over here. We then grabbed ice cream on the way home. We were all in bed by 9. 

Saturday was the busy day. I got up and went to the grocery store around 7 am. Came home and put everything away and Harper got ready for lacrosse practice. After I dropped Harper off I came back and folded laundry and picked up around the house! After Harper's practice we went to the playground. Hudson had his friend their which was fun! My mom and sister came too. After about an hour or so we had to leave to drop off Hudson at home and bring Harper to a birthday party at a trampoline place. I stayed with her there. Mollie went off with my mom and sister. They had lunch and went shopping!! She came home with a new nail polish and pop-its for Harper and Hudson. When Harper and I got home from her party we crashed!! Brett went to bed since he was working at midnight. We had tacos for dinner and then went to my sister's house to hang for a bit! We came home and once again everyone was in bed around 9. 

Sunday wasn't as busy but the kiddos had fun. We did our weekly clean up of the house. The girls both had friends over and we headed to the playground. The girls rode their bike around town which was their first time with out a parent! They did a great job. The girls had a pizza party at Nick's for their basketball team. After that we all crashed again until dinner time. I roasted a chicken for dinner along with potatoes and asparagus. We watched Peter Rabbit 2 since we are close to Easter! Everyone was in bed around 8 since it was a school night. 

So it was a pretty busy weekend and I didn't take any pictures! My goal for this week is to take more pictures through out the week! So let's see how that goes! Looking forward to next weekend when we start games. 

Have a great week! 

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Meal Plan #3

I'm going to be honest with you all with my meal plan last week! I didn't do the best job sticking with my menu,  it was a busy one ...

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