Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's been too long!

Ok, so its been too long since the last time I wrote! I hate that I go in spurts, wish that I could keep up with this on a daily/weekly basis!

Everything in Massachusetts is going well. Both Brett and I are adjusting to being up here. I think I'm adjusting more than my southern guy is!!! Hopefully Brett will be ok during the winter!! I hear its suppose to snow tomorrow......time to get the chains out for the tires!!

October was both a busy and hard month for us. We had Connors six month anniversary, never thought we would get through the first six months, but we did and if we can get through those months then I think that we can get through the next six months. We had a memorial gathering the week of Connor's angel anniversary. It was a horrible day weather wise, but it was beautiful. I'm thankful for all that came to it!!

I can't believe that the holidays are just around the corner! I hope that I can get in to the Christmas Spirit this year.

Have a great day and I hope I don't go as long as I did from my last post. Also, wish me good luck tomorrow with my doctors appointment. This will be a post all on its own!


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Meal Plan #3

I'm going to be honest with you all with my meal plan last week! I didn't do the best job sticking with my menu,  it was a busy one ...

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