Friday, December 31, 2010

Many Faces of Mollie!

I take lots of pictures of Mollie on my phone and they all seem to be all the same! I just can't get enough of her! She is too cute!

Today was the first day that my brother watched Mollie. I think it is a very good way to keep him from having kids for a very long time!! All went well!! Looking forward to the weekend!!

Have a goodnight!!

Love, Erika
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Years Resolution!

Every year I make a list of my resolutions for the year. Last year had about 22 of them and I only completed 6 of them. My big one was to get pregnant! We were so blessed to find out that we were pregnant in February. After 9 very long months we were so excited to finally have Mollie in our arms! She definetly had her big brother looking down on her and making sure everything went well.

This year I want to only list a few so I dont feel so overwhelmed! So I figured I would list them here so that I could be held accountable for them!

1. Lose the baby weight ( I have double the weight to lose since I didnt lose weight from Connor). I'm going to start weight watchers on Monday along with everyone else in the world probably!!

2. Blog almost everyday! I don't want to commit to everyday! So almost everyday! I want to be able to capture every moment and be able to look back on them and have them in a book at the end of the year!

3. Save Save Save! Enough said for that resolution!

4. Be organized in all parts of my life!

5. Take lots and lots of pictures!

6. And my last one is to enjoy every moment of our lives and be grateful for what we have!

So here is to hoping that I can complete these resolutions!! I know I can do it! I'm actually looking forward to the new year!

Have a great day!

Love, Erika
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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Mollie's First Christmas!!

I can't believe that Christmas is already over!! What a wonderful day we had! It started off on Christmas Eve at my Uncle Mark's house. We have a fun time with lots of good food and a fun Yankee Swap. Which I ended up winning $65 dollars on scratch tickets! That has never happened to me!!!

Christmas Day was spent at my parents house!! We got there around 8ish and started opening presents! It took us to about 11 to finish! We all got some wonderful things that we are so thankful for!!! Brett got his jogging stroller that he wanted!!! I got a baby food maker!! Looking forward to making lots of food for Mollie in a couple of months!

We had a wonderful dinner followed by lots of dessert!! I think Mollie had a fun day because on Sunday she slept pretty much all day!!!

Sunday we got what was suppose to be a blizzard but turned out to be just a snow storm. I'm lucky and didn't have to work today!! I get to spend it with Mollie and also trying to get my house under control!

Here are some pictures from the weekend! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!! We had a lot to be thankful this year and it was a very nice day!!!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Uncle Buddy came home last night!!! We were there waiting for him with this sign that I made!! Always wanted to make a sign for someone and i finally did!! Mollie did great last night! She slept most of the time while we were shopping!!! I think she likes to shop! Starting to take after her mother, poor dad isn't going to do well with that!

Ok busy to the grocery store for some last minute stuff and then home to do some baking! Have a great day!!

Love, Erika

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Uncle Buddy Comes Home!

We are so excited that Mollie's Uncle Buddy is coming home tonight! We are off to the mall and then going to pick him up at the airport. It has been 5 weeks since we have seen him and I'm sure he will notice a difference in Mollie!! Looking forward to doing some shopping and eating at Chipotle. Haven't been to one since Georgia! Have a good night!

Sorry if there are any typos...I was writing this on my phone!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

6 Weeks Old!

Has it already been six weeks? I can't believe that Mollie is six weeks old. Time is flying and I only have two more weeks till I go back to work! Mollie is doing really well. As of last Monday at her 1 month check up she is weighing 8 pounds 2 ounces. That is up over two pounds in two weeks. I think that we have a little piggie on our hands. It is still hard for me to believe that she was at one point 5 pounds 2 ounces. She is such an easy baby. I hope by me saying that it doesn't change anything! She is still sleeping in her bassinet, not wanting to put her in her crib just yet. Maybe I will try with naps so that she gets use to it before I go back to work.

Need to get ready for bed and hopefully Mollie will be going to bed soon!! Busy day ahead of us tomorrow. I have my thyroid check up and hopefully my levels are good and I don't have to change my medicine.

I will leave you with some pictures of Miss Mollie. I hope everyone had a great weekend!
Love, Erika
Too Cute!

She loves her swing!!!

First real bath!!

This is a funny one month picture. Sorry Mollie!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

1 Week Old!

Miss Mollie is 1 week old today!!! Its been a crazy week. We are starting to have a routine, even though I know it could change. Mollie is starting to be more alert, but she loves to sleep!

Here are some pictures of the last week!

Off to enjoy this time with Mollie!!! Have a great weekend!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Everything went well with the arrival of Mollie Elizabeth! Born on October 9 at 1:54 pm! She weighed 5 pounds 11 ounces and is 19 1/2 inches long! She is precious and we are enjoying our time together!!! Will update with pictures once I get home and can load pictures on to the computer!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Quick Update!

Just a quick update while I lay here in my hospital bed! Started the induction at 830 last night and we are still waiting! Hopefully something gets going soon! All is good with Mollie! Everyone is sleeping and of course I can't sleep!!! I will do another update in the morning!!!

It's that time!!!

We are leaving at 7:00 to head to the hospital!! Very excited and anxious. I start my induction tonight and hopefully we will have little Miss Mollie in our arms tomorrow!!!!

I will post when I can!!!!! Have a g'night!!



Sunday, September 19, 2010

2 Months Since The Last Time I Wrote In My Blog!

I can't believe that it has been 2 months since the last time I wrote in my blog! I'm sorry to all of my follower (all of maybe 2 or 4!!!!). Life has been busy and crazy!! Only a few more weeks till we meet our little one!!! I'm still on edge about it!! It won't feel real until she is here in our arms!!!

I just wanted to let everyone know that everything is going well and we are patiently waiting!! We have a busy week ahead of us with a doctor appointment, growth ultrasound, our weekly Non-Stress test that are very stressful to me. Then I will get two steroid shots to help our little ones lungs so she can come into this world a little earlier than usual!!

I'm anxious for the growth ultrasound to see how big she is. We had one about a month ago and she was already measuring about 4 pounds. I know that is an estimated weight but who knows!! Luckily I won't be going full term or I might have a big baby on me!!

We still have lots of things to do before October! My list keeps growing!!! I actually need to go work on it!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend and look forward to posting more as we get closes to the big date!!!

Love Erika

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Goal for the Week!

Happy Monday!! Our main goal for the week is to clean out Mollie's room and get it ready!! Looking forward to uploading pictures of the room!!! I think that I could go overboard with all the girly stuff you could do with a room!!

Less than 13 weeks left and there is so much to do!!!!!!

Have a great day!!! Hopefully it isn't as hot as this weekend!!!


Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Quite Weekend!

This weekend was a very quite one! Brett worked all weekend in the dreaded heat!! He is a trooper!! I didn't do much which is nice. This heat gets to me very quickly, so I hang out at home. I did adventure out to Harbor Days for a few minutes just. We got a cute sign for Mollie that says "Beach Baby". I can't wait to get it into her room. We are working on the room this week. We have the crib up but still need to clean out the room. It has been the storage for the time being but not for long!!

Off to bed. This week is a quite week. No doctor appointments. My next one is on July 27! Looking forward to that one!

Have a great night!



Saturday, July 17, 2010

Random Pictures!

Cupcakes that we made for 4th of July. The middle ones spell out Mollie. That was Brett's doing!!!!
Mitchell and Jack at the March for Babies Walk.
Lauren and Jack at March for Babies!

This picture is a little blurry but this was everyone at the walk!! Thank you so much for showing your support!!!

The Family!!!

This was a fun day!!!!!! A very hot day!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

4th of July Recap

I know that this is a little late, but oh well!! We had a great 4th of July weekend!!!

Friday night we went to our Uncle Mark's and Auntie Cher's for dinner. It was very yummy! Sushi and Pizza. Can't go wrong with that! Saturday both Brett and I had to work so we missed out on the Road Race. What a bummer was so excited to run!! Just Joking! My parents had a cook out and it was another nice night!!!

Sunday was spent at Uncle Mark sand Auntie Cher's pool! It was a hot one!!! So glad to have that pool there. Once again we ate very well. I ate so much this past weekend!! I love it.

Overall it was a great weekend and now I'm on vacation. Brett is off today and we are doing things around the house and errands. Tomorrow I think that we are taking a drive down to the Cape. Looking forward to Saturday night to help celebrate Kristy's Bacherolette Party!!!!!!

Have a great day. Off to get ready and wake Brett up. Maybe we will go out to Breakfast. It's his favorite!!!!


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I Love Short Days!

Today is a short day for me!!! I have my bi-weekly doctor appointment and my dad is coming with me!!! I don't like to go alone and he hasn't been to one with me!!! After my appointment it is off to work at 11 and I'm done at 2!! Love it! But that means that I have to work on Saturday. It shouldn't be that bad cause after 12:3o on Saturday I'm on vacation!!

Looking forward to tonight!! The family is going to see Toy Story 3. We saw it all together when Toy Story came out and it was my brothers first movie and he was obsessed with it!!! He had a Toy Story Christmas and all he would do was play Toy Story!!! So it will be fun!! Kind of sad since in the movie the boy goes off to college and our little Buddy is going off to college in August!!! Time flies!

Have a great day! Hopefully it won't be too hot!!!!



Monday, June 28, 2010

March for Babies!

Thank you everyone who came out to help support March for Babies!! I loved having you all there to honor Connor and to walk for a great cause!! I wish that I could upload pictures but they all came out blurry. I don't know what happened!

We had a very nice weekend! Saturday night we had a surprise birthday party for my Aunt who turns 50. Sunday was the March for Babies and then we headed to my Uncle and Aunt's house for a little pool and cook-out to celebrate my cousin Lauren's birthday! Lots of birthdays to celebrate!!!!

I know once again it has been a long time that I have written on the blog. Everything is going well. Just trucking along. I will be 22 weeks on Friday and I have my bi-weekly appointment tomorrow. I'm excited that we will get to see the little pumpkin tomorrow. We finally decided on a name for our little girl, Mollie Elizabeth Osetkowski!!!!

Looking forward to this week being over already. It has been very hot and muggy. Also I love 4th of July and we have family coming into visit!!!! Then I'm on vacation for a week!! It will be spent getting the Mollie's room together. Lots of work ahead of us!!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!!!



Wednesday, June 9, 2010

It's a Girl

We found out today that we are having a healthy baby girl! Everything looks good!! More details to come!



Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Our First Garden

Brett surprised me on Tuesday with planting our first garden! I love it and he did a great job, now it will be the true test to make sure we keep it going!!!!!! I don't have a green thumb but Brett is pretty good with that stuff, so I have faith in him that he will do a great job!!!!

Here are pictures from Carly's Graduation a couple of weeks ago!!! We had a great time!!!! It was a rainy cold day but we made the best of it!!!! I can't believe that Carly Barly is a graduate!!! Where does the time go!!!! Congrats Carly!!! We are so proud of you!! Looking forward to the party in June!!!!

Our Little Pumpkin!

I know its been awhile since the last time I posted. I have a few post with different pictures from the last couple of weeks! Looking forward to the next couple of weeks coming up! We have a lot going. Mitchell's Prom is tomorrow night and we are helping with his after prom party.
Time to get ready for work! Here is two pictures of an ultrasound we had yesterday. I can't believe all of the pictures we will have after this little pumpkin is born. This was taken at 16 weeks and 5 days. Everything went well yesterday and the little pumpkin was moving like crazy. Next appointment will be our big ultrasound. Hoping we will be able to find out what this little baby is!!!
Have a great day!!!!
(The first picture the baby is sucking it's thumb!)
Love, Erika

Saturday, May 1, 2010


OK so we have a little secret and I'm excited but scared at the same time to announce it! I'm 13 weeks pregnant. Still early, but I figure I should tell my blog so that it will explain why I have been so MIA lately!

Everything is going well. The first two months were hard. We found out so early that I was pregnant that it was very scary, not knowing what was going to happen. I don't have that innocence anymore that I had with Connor. So I know that anything could happen and that I'm a strong person and we will get through whatever god has given us! At about 8 weeks I came down with the shingles! I couldn't believe what was happening. Who gets shingles? I guess when you are pregnant you have a lower immune system and especially since I was stressed out more than usually I got them. Oh well, that was just one hurdle that we had to get over and we did. Everything is good with the baby.

Our doctor is the best and he is keeping a close eye on me. I have gone every two weeks since we found out and have had three ultrasounds since then and he is very happy at were the baby is. The baby is meaursing a couple days ahead of my due date. Which is November 5th, but most likely I will go around 36 to 37 weeks.

I still can't believe that I'm pregnant. I don't think it totally has hit me yet, but at the same I have become more calm as the weeks go by. I'm looking forward to when I will start to feel the baby and but not the anxiety that I'm sure will come with it. We will just have to take it one moment at a time.

I will post a picture of the little pumpkin once I get my camera cord back...wonder where it could be?

Have a good weekend! It is suppose to be a beautiful one here!



Friday, April 2, 2010


I'm sorry that I have been MIA for the last month. Life has been crazy! I will catch up with everything later on tonight!!!

Happy Good Friday! I'm so glad that Easter is early this year. I don't think that I could do it being close to Connor's birthday since Easter night was the last time we felt Connor kick!



Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I always have a hard time trying to come up with a title for my blog entries. So today there isn't one!

I hope that everyone is having a good week. This week has been going well. Carly Barly was home this past weekend and we had a nice time. Mitchell had his State Championship Meet which went very well!

Its another rainy day here in Mattapoisett. I'm so looking forward to the summer! I'm also looking forward to March because we are going to Florida for a couple of days! It will be nice to get away and for Brett and I to see his family!

Quick post, I have to get ready for work and have some breakfast! Have a great day!



Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Belated Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day! I hope that everyone has a nice day. This was the first year since Brett and I have been together that we got to spend the whole day together. He has usually been working in the past!

We woke up at the crack of dawn to go to Mitchell's Sectional Meet in Boston at MIT. They did an awesome job!! Go Mitchell!!! Afterwards we went to Fanuiel Hall. Brett had never been to Boston so we had lunch there and walked around. We made a cute monkey at Build a bear with two hearts in it. I love it!!!

We were both exhausted so we started to head home! We were only home for a few minutes to rest and take care of the pets and then we headed out to dinner. We had a gift card to Texas Roadhouse. I know it isn't a romantic place, but we had fun. It was an early night for us which was really nice.

I really had a great day yesterday! Today we are both off again and it's a day of catching up with things and going to look for curtains!

Have a great day!



Friday, February 12, 2010

Support Group

After going back and forth on if I wanted to go to my support group I decided to go. I'm happy that I went. I know that I always feel better going. I think that it is the anxiety leading up to it that gets me. It's a safe place for me where I can talk and people know exactly what I'm going through. I also have to remind myself that it hasn't even been a year since we lost Connor. Its ok to be where I am in my grieving process. I definitely have my good days, but then there are those bad days I'm still having, not as bad as they use to be so that is hope that it is going to get better.

On another note I'm looking forward to the weekend! Its going to be a nice long weekend! Tonight I work till 600ish so I think that we will just hang out at home. On Sunday we will be heading up to Boston bright and early for my Brother's Sectional Swim Meet. Depending on the weather and how tired we are we might stay after and walk around Boston. Brett has never been and with it being Valentines Day I think that it would be a nice thing to do! I'm going to enjoy Monday and just relax!!! This is the last long weekend until May! But I'm taking one of my vacation weeks in April. So I have that to look forward to!

I'm so proud of myself that I have wrote a multiple posts in the last day or so. Its funny how I can go weeks without writing but then go to town with writing them in one day. One of my 2010 Resolutions was to blog more. I'm trying to get into it more! I'm hoping that I will have more to blog about as the year goes on!

I hope you all have a great weekend!



Thursday, February 11, 2010

Biggest Loser Challenge!

At my work we are starting a Biggest Loser Challenge! We weight in for the first time next Tuesday. I'm very excited about this because I really need to lose weight. There are multiple reasons why I need to lose weight! I hope that it goes well. The end prize is $100. I will give weekly updates so that it holds me accountable for losing the weight.

Wish me good luck!! I have the weekend to indulge before Tuesday!!!!

Ok I'm done for the night. I have posted way too much for me!! Off to my support group.




Here are pictures from the last night!

Maggie thinking that she is still a puppy and wanting to feel safe in a cage that isn't hers!

Brett looking so smart while reading the newspaper last night during our "Blizzard".

This was taken last night too!

My Dad and I

I'm having issues with picking a background for my blog. I'm just not happy with any of them! I don't know why! So I hope you like this one. It is generic but it is just in time for Valentines day!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Is It Spring Yet?????

Once again we are getting snow. I hope it doesn't accumulate to anything. It doesn't look like it right now, but who knows with this New England weather! We are on the last day of house sitting and boy has it been interesting!! The first night was just me and the dogs and we were good! The second night Brett was here. We locked ourselves out of the house with the puppy and didn't have any way of getting back in. Our dog was in the house. Too bad we haven't trained Maggie to unlock doors, it would have come in very handy!! So we had to walk to the local police station. I don't know how long of a walk it is maybe a mile or 2? But it was very cold and dark. I had only flip flops on so I switched into some big boots and started on our walk. Once we got to the station, which felt like we were never going to get there, we called my dad aka Mitch Macgevor. He came and picked us up and we tried for the second time to get into the house. After a couple of tries we used something that I won't say because I don't want any crooks to get any ideas, but we were in the house. So overall it has been a good time, but there is never a dull moment with the Osetkowski family.

Our dog has gone home for the rest of the weekend. She doesn't like to get humped!!!! I'm going to go relax. The puppy is sleeping! Don't want to wake him!!

Have a good weekend!



Tuesday, February 2, 2010

March for Babies!

I have been having a hard time trying to find something to do so that I could give back and volunteer for. So I was looking around online and found the March of Dimes has a March for Babies every year. There are lots of places that do the walk, but I found one close to our home on the Cape Cod Canal. I have formed a team called "Our Little Monkeys. It isn't until June 27 (my cousins Lauren's birthday), but I'm really looking forward to it and I'm so thankful for all the people who have responded to it that is going to walk or have donated to the March for Babies. Thank you!

Hopefully this will be come a yearly tradition that we can all do and maybe each year our team will get bigger! Here is the link if you want to find out more information for March for Babies or March of Dimes.

I'm looking forward to the rest of this week. We are house sitting for a 11 week old black lab. I told Brett that this will be a true test for when we get a house and he wants to get another dog for Maggie. So Maggie is coming with us and Gator (our cat) is going next door to my parents!!

Off to get somethings done before bed. I hope you all have a great Wednesday!!

Love, Erika

Mitchells Birthday Dinner

Here are some pictures from Mitchell's Birthday weekend!!! I hope everyone had a good weekend!!! Can you believe that it is already February? Where does the time go?

Meal Plan #3

I'm going to be honest with you all with my meal plan last week! I didn't do the best job sticking with my menu,  it was a busy one ...

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