Sunday, May 31, 2009

Last Sunday I was having dinner out on the porch and I looked up and there was this rainbow. It was beautiful and it was like Connor was giving me a sign that he was with me.

I love you Baby Connor and miss you everyday!

The Sun Finally Came Out!

I can't believe that the weekend is almost over. My mom was here this weekend and it was a fun time. Friday night we stayed in and Brett made a really good dinner - steak tips, mashed potatoes, and green beans!!! On Saturday Brett worked a part time and my mom and I went and did errands and then spent the day at the pool. Saturday evening we headed into Virginia Highlands and walked around and had dinner at Food 101. We had a great dinner except for Brett, who had gravy on his fried chicken. He doesn't like gravy!!!!!!! After dinner we drove around and ended up in Suwanee and got some ice cream. We also drove around Lake Lanier. We were hoping to go to the beach on Sunday but it is so expensive! The camping sites were really nice! Maybe I can get Brett to go camping with me. How much fun would that be?

Sunday was another day spent at the pool. We had late lunch at Cheeseburger Bobby's. Needed to check that off our list of places to try. It was very good! After lunch we took my mom to the airport. Hopefully she didn't have to wait to long and didn't go over on her baggage in weight!!

It was such a great weekend and I hate for it to end. Off to hang out with Brett and get ready for the week.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Erika :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!

What a gloomy day. I'm so sick and tired of this rain and the weather channel just said it suppose to rain all week, where is the sun? So much for going to the pool today. I just hope that the rain will stop and the sun will be out for next weekend while my mom is here.

The stone for Baby Connor was put in this week and it looks beautiful. Now I just need to figure out what type of flower should go there. It needs to be some flower that will be OK with getting lots of sun. Any ideas? I'm not good with flowers/gardens. I'm learning.

Time to go wake up Brett! He has to work today so I've let him sleep in a bit but that time is over!! I hope everyone has a Happy Memorial Day!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lazy Sunday!

It has been a very nice weekend, a long weekend! I keep forgetting that I have tomorrow off. Carly left today. I drove her to the airport and she is on the plane as I write this. I hope she has a safe flight. It was so nice to have her here for the whole week while Brett was working. We had fun even if I was a party pooper at night and went to bed early. It was good to have my mind off of things. Losing your baby is one of the hardest things anyone has to go through and I never imagined that this would happen to us, but it did and we are dealing with it day by day.

I'm starting to finally feel like things are getting better, the anxiety that I have had is getting better and I know that I have not done anything wrong. Now I'm just trying to find things to keep me busy now! I'm really excited because Brett might be going to days which would be so nice to have him around at night. We could have a normal life. It has been three years since he went to nights, so I didn't have much time to get use to him being around at nights. Just keep your fingers crossed that the switch goes through!

My mom comes this weekend. I'm so looking forward to her visit! Hopefully it will be a nice weekend and not like this weekend. I need the sun!!!!

I hope everyone has a Happy Memorial Day!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

I'm so happy that this week is over. It seemed like it was never going to end. I started back at work on Monday and its been good to keep my mind busy. We started our support group on Monday night. It felt good to be able to talk to people who were dealing with a loss of a child too. I think that Brett enjoyed it too. I just wish that the group met more than just once a month.

Well since Brett is working this weekend I'm going to go visit Carly in SC for the day on Saturday and start on my spring cleaning. Need to get organized. I have a huge list of to do's that I think will keep me busy for a while! I'm hoping that this will be a good weekend.
We miss you Baby Connor!!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm new to the world of blogging and I'm not a good writer, but I thought it would be a good way to let people know what is happening in our lives.

Today will be a month since we said goodbye to our little monkey. Baby Connor was still born at 36 weeks and 2 days on Tuesday, April 14, 2009 at 9:35 am. He weighed 4 lbs and 11 oz. and was 18 inches long. He was so precious. He had my nose and Brett's lips and he had the Lowney pinky toe. He definetly had Brett's feet and some might say he had mine since I have big feet too. I still can't believe that this has all happened. I'm just waiting to wake up from this nightmare. I had such a perfect pregnancy that this never once crossed my mind that this could happen to us.

On Monday, April 13, 2009 I went in for my 36 week appointment. Those appointments were so silly at the time. I was always in and out in 15 minutes and didn't think that Brett should have to come to them since he would have to take time away from work and everything was going well. My life came shattering down at that appointment when they couldn't find the heartbeat with the Doppler and two ultrasounds and it was just me with the doctors. The doctor didn't waste any time and called Brett who was on his way to work. For an hour I sat in the doctor's office waiting for Brett and my Aunts. We were admitted into the hospital and at 5:00 pm they started with the induction. Mom and Carly were on the next flight out and didn't get into Atlanta until about 11:00 and my Dad and Mitchell arrive the next day at 2:00 pm. Brett's Mom and Sister arrived Monday night too!! We were so lucky to have the love and support of our family as we went through this. We were able to spend time with Connor and our family. I will forever treasure those moments that we got to spend with our baby.

We spent the next two weeks with my family. On May 2, 2009 we had a memorial service in Mattapoisett, MA where I grew up. It was absolutely beautiful and we are so grateful for all the love and support that we had there that day. Baby Connor is in a safe place with our Grandparents!! We look forward to the day were we will all be together again! We Love You and Miss you!!!

Fourth of July Weekend

Just a little bit late posting my 4th of July Weekend recap. Didn't want the month to go by and not do it! I had to go back to my planne...

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